The monthly magazine "New Observation on Waste Plastics" is launched for the first time! The "New Youth" of the plastics industry is officially online!

Author: 废塑料新观察
Published on: 2025-02-28 14:58
Category: News Press Release

The first issue of 2025, scan the QR code to get the electronic version

A hundred years ago , New Youth used its pen as a sword.

It awakened the consciousness of an era.

Today , the monthly magazine "New Observation on Waste Plastics" uses the pen as a blade to gather a powerful force for green development.

Recording the transformation and upgrading of China's plastic recycling industry.

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Witness a dual revolution in technology and values

Just as "New Youth" injected new ideas into the era.

"New Observations on Waste Plastics" hopes to become a spiritual beacon and information hub for China's waste plastics industry.

In the turbulent wave of industry upgrading, we have entered the market with three identities:

  • Observer: Use data as a yardstick to measure the breakthrough trajectory of policies and technologies;
  • Recorder: Use pen as mirror to present innovative stories of sorting, recycling and application;
  • Promoter: Using cases as anchors, connecting upstream and downstream, and building an ecological closed loop of circular economy.

We are not bystanders in the industry, but are willing to be "wall breakers" - this is our commitment to this "plastic civilization revolution".

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Preface In-depth Reading

[Historical Turning Point Has Arrived]

We judge that the plastic recycling industry is in the historical process of large-scale upgrading and transformation! The national industry opportunities brought by the 135, 145, and 155 national plans! In the process of rapid development, accelerated screening, optimization of enterprises, and optimization of technology! On the eve of the intersection of "technological breakthroughs" and "policy breakthroughs"!

[The "aesthetic revolution" of waste plastics] From "environmental scars" to "regeneration beauty": the beauty of design: the product logic of "born for recycling"; the beauty of craftsmanship: innovative breakthroughs in sorting, equipment, and technology;

The beauty of recycling: the ultimate ideal of primary recycling and high value of materials.

[Outward shouting, internal symbiosis] Shouting to upstream: packaging companies need to practice "recyclable design"; declaring to consumers: recycled materials = a badge of sustainable living; advising the government: break the policy gap and activate market momentum;

Focus on the industry: break down information silos and build a closed loop from design, recycling to regeneration and recycling applications.

[Chinese solutions, global answers] China's recycled materials break through international quality thresholds, and equipment and technology are exported overseas;

Tell the world in both Chinese and English: Eastern wisdom in pollution control.

[Cold eyes and enthusiasm, questions from sober people] Stay cautious in the heat: How to make the transition to high-value production when there is overcapacity at the low end? How to stimulate the endogenous driving force of the market when the price of recycled materials is low?

In the absence of consumers, how to open up the “last mile of recycling?

[The essence of change is the iteration of civilization] This is not only an industrial upgrade, but also a reconstruction of the relationship between humans and plastics——

From the linear civilization of "take-and-discard" to the sustainable civilization of "circulation-symbiosis".

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Global vision, multi-dimensional reach: more than just a monthly magazine

📚 "New Observation on Waste Plastics" Monthly

  • Chinese version : In-depth analysis of policies, technologies and business cases
  • English version (coming soon): Show the quality revolution of China's recycled materials to the international community.

📰 "New Observation on Waste Plastics" Weekly

  • ChinaReplas Recycled Plastics Weekly : Focuses on industry trends and technology trends;


Scan the QR code to subscribe to Recycled Plastics Weekly

  • "ChinaRePET Recycled PET Weekly" : In-depth analysis of the technology and applications in the field of PET recycling.



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